As Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer, Frank Moran has spent 35 years growing TeamOne into one of Southern California’s most successful employment agencies.
But his success in this business wasn’t always predictable. Mr. Moran landed in the staffing world while unemployed. The job placement firm he signed on with found him work with them. One year after that fateful career turn, this ambitious entrepreneur broke off to launch his own independent staffing business: TeamOne.
Attributing much of his success to the ideals by which he lives, Mr. Moran measures success not simply by his company’s financial performance, but by the growth and development of its employees. TeamOne’s notable employee retention rate of five-plus years on average proves his dedication to be true.
Born in Los Angeles, Mr. Moran has worked tirelessly as a proud “Angeleno” to reinforce the things he values most about his city. In addition to being an established leader in the business and civic community, Mr. Moran has been honored by the State Senate and has worked with esteemed leaders such as President Bill Clinton, President George Bush Sr., Governor Gray Davis, Governor Pete Wilson, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mayor Richard Riordan.
Mr. Moran has served on many boards and commissions, including the California Chamber of Commerce (CalChamber), as chairman of the Worker’s Compensation committee and California Welfare to Work Program. Mr. Moran has also served as Co-Chair for the prestigious annual Latino Heritage Month (appointed by Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan), City Commissioner for the City of Los Angeles, as board member for the City of Los Angeles Private Industry Counsel, founding chair for the Los Angeles Youth at Work and on the State of California Welfare to Work board, appointed by then Governor Gray Davis.
One of Mr. Moran’s biggest compliments was to be considered for the position of president of Univision, a position ultimately fulfilled by Henry Cisneros (former US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under president Clinton).
He has also proudly served on the
Board of Directors for organizations such as City of Hope (a national cancer and diabetes research center) and Operation Hope (America’s first non-profit inner-city banking organization). Mr Moran has teamed up with former TeamOne executive Eva Longoria to support her personal cause Padres Contra El Cancer (Parents against Cancer). Just prior to landing a break-out role in the popular soap opera Young and the Restless, Eva had tremendous success with TeamOne. From 1998 to 2001 she quickly rose through the ranks to become one of the company’s most successful Sr. Account Managers.

Speaking to over one hundred students at a Future Leaders of America camp, Mr. Moran has been an annual presenter since 2016 and continually sponsors, supports, and participates in many organizations such as FLA.
Additionally Mr Moran has been honored by City and County of Los Angeles Advocate of the Year for Small and Minority Owned Business. He was honored by the Governor of California and State Legislator for Civic Contributions, and his name was among the final nominations by the Small Business Administration for Advocate of the Year for the United States of America. Mr Moran was Honored by President Clinton and has been honored as the CEO of the Top 500 Largest Owned Hispanic Businesses in the U.S. For 15 years running, and the top 100 for 7 years.